I have been making films since the late 60’s when I created serious amounts of footage for the Boston Tea Party light show. Besides the copious experimental films, animations, and video documentaries I have made over the years, I have also produced dozens of short commissions for MTV, VH-1, Sesame Street, AMC, and other clients.

Psychedelic Cinema

This selection of films is a true pop culture artifact.  They were created between 1967-1969 and played regularly with the light show at the Boston Tea Party and other music venues around New England. The video shown below is an excerpt taken from more than an hour of psychedelic footage.

Single-Frame Films

Between 1988 and 2008 I made over 30 single-frame shorts. I refer to this style of filmmaking as “chika-chika" films, the sound of single frames being shot. This collection reflects a diverse swath of pop culture themes; from visionary environments to roadside attractions to urban graffiti. They explore a personal technique of short, single frame "brush strokes”, edited entirely in camera, then transferred to video at a reduced rate.

Commercial Projects

In the late 80’s, I started producing a variety of commissioned animations for MTV, VH-1, Sesame Street, and other clients.


In the early 1980’s I purchased a big-rig video camera. Soon after, I began shooting a series of mini-documentaries. These pieces took a humorous, affectionate view of America and Americana.


I’ve always been fascinated by the notion of bringing images to life. When I was kid, I used to make my own flip books. Since then, I’ve created many animated pieces using various techniques, including drawing, pixelation, paper-cutting, and collage.

Photo Slide-Films

These photo slide-films combine my love of film and photography. Each slide-film acts as a mini photo essay: a poetic picnic for the eyes.